Does Georgia Accept Online Concealed Carry Classes?

UPDATE: The below article was written prior to Jan 1st, 2021 and at the time it was written one could take an online class and apply for a Virginia non-resident permit. That is NO LONGER TRUE. This article is outdated and the reader should note that Virginia no longer accepts online training.

There has been an influx of companies that have appeared on the internet offering online video only concealed carry classes. In addition to our own in-person training network and online store, we also offer an online concealed carry course.

If you have been researching trying to understand the implications for Georgia and online concealed carry training, this article will serve as a guide to navigating all the state specific laws and will help clarify what you need to know.

The first thing to be clear on is that ONLY Virginia will issue a permit to any person in the country, who has taken an online only concealed carry class, and mails paperwork in remotely. None of the other 49 states will do that. Now, that doesn’t necessarily mean that there are no implications for Georgia as we will clarify below.

The Online concealed carry classes have become popular nationwide because the Virginia Non-Resident permit is valid in 29 states of the country. So, while an online only class only qualifies a person to get a Virginia permit, that Virginia permit is still valuable in 28 states other than Virginia.

Now, the map below represents the states that honor the Virginia Non-Resident permit and while Georgia is green, this can be deceiving. At first you might assume that because Georgia honors the Virginia Non-Resident permit that you could obtain that permit instead of our Georgia permit but you in fact cannot.

This is because Georgia requires that residents of our state MUST obtain a Georgia permit in order to carry concealed here. So, if you were hoping you could take an online concealed carry class and forego taking a local in-person class to get the Georgia permit I’m afraid that won’t work. Because you live in Georgia, you need to obtain the local permit.

Regardless of all that it is also worth noting, (independent of the Virginia Non-Resident permit being an option for the local carrying of a concealed firearm or not) a lot of people choose to obtain it in addition to a local permit since it can also expand the number of states where you can legally carry.

Specific to Georgia, if you have our local permit and also choose to take an online concealed carry class and obtain a Virginia Concealed Carry permit then you would add Nevada, New Mexico, and Nebraska to the list of states where you can now carry. Those are all states that do not honor the Georgia permit but do honor the Virginia Non-Resident Permit.

So if you are interested in expanding your reciprocity via the Virginia Non-Resident permit you can learn more about our Online Concealed Carry Class here.


  1. Clinto Dyer on March 22, 2020 at 9:43 pm

    I telework and spend time in both GA and VA also sometimes FL. Whats the best option for someone in this category? How do I go about ensuring I am able to carry in all three states?

    • Jacob Paulsen

      The Real Person!

      Author Jacob Paulsen acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
      on April 1, 2020 at 4:40 pm

      Clinto, a Florida non-resident permit, is valid in all 3 states you mentioned. Also, assuming you are a resident of Georgia, your home GA permit is also honored in all 3 of those states.

  2. james glisson on July 30, 2020 at 9:51 pm

    i just did a online class and passed i just down loaded my certificate i done it under the Vergina testing what do i need to do now ? i live in Georgia .

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